A European wildflower that that produces abundant spikes of yellow flowers that are attractive to bees. Grows to 90cm high and spreads to 60cm in a moist soil in full sun or partial shade. This plant will do well in a moist bog garden and can also thrive in slightly drier soils. The warm yellow flowers are produced from June to August.
Dotted (Yellow) Loosestrife / Lysimachia punctata
Position: Flower border / Bog garden
Flowering months: Jul / Aug
Light: Full sun / Mix of sun and shade / Dappled shade
Soil: Clay / Loam
Tested in our local soil (t.i.o.l.s.): Yes
Drainage: Moist but well-drained / Moisture-retentive
Life cycle: Perennial (lives for many years)
Hardiness: Fully hardy (in Bristol winters)
Over winter: Dies back (deciduous)