This is a great plant for a damp spot in dappled shade. It can thrive in the sun provided the soil is reliably moist. The leaves come up every spring and the arches of spectacular pink flowers appear from April to June. Grows to 60cm high and 45cm across in partial shade and a moist but well-drained or poorly drained soil.
This plant dies back over winter so it's a good idea to mark the spot where you planted it.
White Bleeding Heart / Lamprocapnos spectabilis 'Alba'
Position: Flower border / Bog garden
Flowering months: Apr / May_/ Jun
Light: Mix of sun and shade / Dappled shade
Soil: Clay / Loam / Chalk
Tested in our local soil (t.i.o.l.s.): Yes
Drainage: Moist but well-drained / Moisture-retentive / Poor drainage
Life cycle: Perennial (lives for many years)
Hardiness: Fully hardy (in Bristol winters)
Over winter: Dies back (deciduous)