This herb is delicious in a roast. Flowers are produced early in the year and are attractive to a wide range of pollinators love its flowers.
This medium shrub grows to 1m tall and 1m across in full sun and well-drained soils, but you can prune it to the size and shape you want including a hedge.
Trim after flowering to prefent this shrub becoming straggly.
Rosemary / Salvia rosmarinus
Position: Flower border / Container
Flowering months: Feb / Mar / Apr / May_
Light: Full sun / Mix of sun and shade
Soil: Loam / Sand
Tested in our local soil (t.i.o.l.s.): Yes (but avoid heavy clay and grow in a pot before planting out once the plant has reached about 20cm)
Drainage: Well drained
Life cycle: Perennial (lives for many years)
Hardiness: Fully hardy (in Bristol winters)
Over winter: Stays evergreen
Drought tolerant: Yes,once established