This Fuchsia is an absolute delight, producing huge numbers of dancing flowers in jewel-coloured outfits. The bees love it too and it flowers from summer into autumn, only finishing with the first frosts. It is also a food plant for caterpillars of the elephant hawk-moth although we haven't found any on our shrubs yet.
It is hardy (trialled in Bristol and Thame) and resilient to wet conditions as well as drought (doing a superb cactus impression). In a mild Bristol winter, this fuchsia will keep its leaves, and even some flowers.
Grows to 90cm tall and 90cm across. For young plants, prune lightly to shape the basic framework and then for mature plants prune to within one or two buds of the older woody framework. Older plants may benefit from pruning down to the ground to stimulate new growth.
Hardy Fuchsia 'Brutus'
Position: Flower border / Container
Flowering months: Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep
Light: Full sun / Mix of sun and shade
Soil: Clay / Loam / Chalk / Sand
Tested in our local soil (t.i.o.l.s.): Yes
Drainage: Well drained / Moist but well-drained
Life cycle: Perennial (lives for many years)
Hardiness: Fully hardy (in Bristol winters)
Over winter: Dies back (deciduous)
Drought tolerant: Yes, once established