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These daisy-like flowers are particularly popular with hoverflies, and are produced from June to August. It is evergreen in most winters and the bright golden green, delicate leaves provide a pop of colour when most plants have died back


It grows to 60cm tall and 30cm across in full sun or partial shade and most soil types.

Golden Feverfew / Tanacetum parthenium 'Aureum'

VAT Included
  • Position: Flower border / Container

    Flowering months: Jul / Aug / Sep

    Light: Full sun / Mix of sun and shade

    Soil: Loam / Sand

    Tested in our local soil (t.i.o.l.s.): Yes

    Drainage: Well drained

    Life cycle: Short-lived perennial (flowers for two-four years)

    Hardiness: Fully hardy (in Bristol winters)

    Over winter: Stays evergreen in typical Bristol winters

    Drought tolerant: Yes 

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