Chamomile is a native British plant whose flowers are dried to make chamomile tea. It is sadly on the decline in the wild and is now confined to a few parts of southern England. It is listed as Vulnerable on the Vascular Plant Red Data List for Great Britain, and is a species “of principal importance for the purpose of conserving biodiversity”.
This wildflower needs a freely-draining soil so won't thrive on our local clay but it does grow very well in a container. It's flowers attract benefical insects, bees and other pollinators.
It grows to 25cm high and 45cm across in full sun or partial shade and a freely-draining soil. Its white and yellow flowers are produced from June to August.
Cut back regulary to maintain compact, bushy plants.
Chamomile / Chamaemelum nobile
Position: Container / Flower border (but not in our local clayey soil)
Flowering months: Jun / Jul / Aug
Light: Full sun / Mix of sun and shade
Soil: Loam / Chalk / Sand
Drainage: Free draining / Well drained
Life cycle: Perennial (lives for many years)
Hardiness: Fully hardy (in Bristol winters)
Over winter: Stays evergreen
Drought tolerant: Yes
Fully hardened-off plants are supplied in 8oz or 12oz pots.
All plants are delivered by bicycle within Bristol within five working days (unless otherwise stated). The standard delivery charge is £5 per order, or £2.50 for addresses in BS7. Free delivery for orders over £30.