Bidens are very like Cosmos plants with delicate leaves and masses of flowers but their flowers are a golden yellow colour. This plant grows to 35cm tall and 40cm across in full sun and a moist but well-drained soil or pot. Yellow flowers are produced from July to October (dead head to prolong flowering) and can be used in salads as well as cooking.
This plant is hardy down to -5°C and will survive in a sheltered position over winter.
Bidens 'Golden Eye'
Position: Flower border / Container / Hanging basket
Flowering months: Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct
Light: Full sun / Mix of sun and shade
Soil: Clay / Loam / Chalk / Sand
Tested in our local soil (t.i.o.l.s.): Yes (but avoid heavy clay)
Drainage: Moist but well drained (never waterlogged)
Life cycle: Short-lived perennial
Hardiness: Half hardy (protect if temperatures are below -5°C or grow as an annual)
Drought tolerant: Yes (once established)