Choose one of the varieties below or a mix of varieties. Each order comprises four plug plants.
These wallflowers are amongst the first bedding plants to flower, making them a valuable resource for emerging pollinators especially bees. They are also a food plant for butterfly and moth caterpillars (and won't destroy the plants!). They are very easy to grow; just plant in a sunny spot in autumn. You can remove stems as the flowers finish or leave them to gently self-seed.
Erysimum cheiri 'Ruby Gem' grows to 30 x 30cm and produces pink flowers from March to May.
Erysimum linifolium 'Little Kisses Lilac' grows to 30 x 30cm and produces purple flowers from April to September.
Erysimum cheiri 'Scarlet Bedder' grows to 30 x 30cm and produces red-orange flowers from March to May.
Erysimum x marshallii (Siberian Wallflower) grows to 50 x 30cm and produces orange flowers from April to June.
4 x Wallflower plugs / Erysimum cheiri, linifolium and x marshallii
Position: Flower border / Container
Flowering months: Mar / Apr / May_/ Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep
Light: Full sun
Soil: Loam / Chalk / Sand
Tested in our local soil (t.i.o.l.s.): Yes (but avoid heavy clay)
Drainage: Well drained
Life Cycle: Short-lived perennial (flowers for two-four years) usually grown as a biennial as the plants get straggly over time.
Hardiness: Fully hardy (in Bristol winters)
Over Winter: Stays evergreen